His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), that they should do the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the church)

Ephesians 4:15

Who We Are

MAM has a divine assignment to empower Christians around the world to live in the inheritance God has set for them. As you engage in all the ministries resources online and at our conferences, we believe that you will begin to live the life God has in mind for you.


At Mimi Ajala Ministries, our events are designed to inspire and equip Christians to embrace their divine purpose and nurture their faith journey. Join us as we come together to empower one another, celebrate our shared vision, and ignite the spark of faith that transforms lives and uplifts communities worldwide.


Mimi Ajala Ministries delivers the vision to empower christians worldwide through various ministry arms all designed to equip, transform and impact lives.

We invite you to participate alongside other christians and ministries as we collectively push the work of God forward.


At Mimi Ajala Ministries, we are committed to empowering christians worldwide and fulfilling the divine assignment entrusted to us.

The generosity and support of our ministry partners enables us to continue transform lives.

Become a part of this vision by giving a one time seed or partnering with us today.

Mimi Ajala provides a Christian soul-searching recipe for success in marriage and how, through the divine intervention of God though his Son Jesus Christ, her antipathy towards men changed when she met and found an enduring partner for life.

This book will open your eyes to all that is available for you as a child of God, and it will empower you to reject less and push to live in the beautiful and abundant life that God has set aside for you.

Join The Team

We are all called to serve, and serving is a purpose greater than ourselves. Volunteering is a unique opportunity to use your gifts, talents, and skills to make a meaningful impact in the Kingdom of God.

Here at Mimi Ajala Ministries, there is a place for everyone—you are sure to find a role that aligns with your passion and calling.

Take the step today—become a volunteer and make a difference!